Error codes and definitions

Here are the error codes and definitions for Sfax.    

Result code Description Steps to resolve
0 OK Not applicable
1 Document render failed Verify that the file is a supported file type; if so reach out to support for troubleshooting.
2 Cover page render failure Ensure the remarks field only has valid data.
4000 Invalid Fax Number Check the amount of digits and country code of the fax number.
5100 Blocked Number Dial the recipient number; if a faxtone is received reach out to support.
6000 Fax Number Busy Dial the recipient number; if a faxtone is received reach out to support.
6150 No Pick Up Recipient is not accepting simultaneous calls or is blocking our caller ID; contact recipient.
6300 Failed to detect fax device. Typically this is a voice line, not a fax line. Dial the recipient number; if a faxtone is received reach out to support.
7000 Fax Training Failed Recipient has an invalid baud rate or ECM enabled; contact recipient.
8000 Receiving machine disconnected before finishing fax call. Pages may have completed at receiving side. Dial the recipient number; if a faxtone is received reach out to support.
9000 Other error detected Reach out to support for troubleshooting.

1. Example error codes reported as '6000-16044003 Busy.'Notes:

2. There are more than 10,000 of telecom carriers across the US. There are differences in the way they report back transmission details. Sometimes we are given full details for the transmission but sometimes we receive nothing other than an error code.