Sfax for Windows: How to send a fax using the Sfax Print Driver
The Sfax driver is used for quickly faxing out documents you have stored on your Windows personal computer. If you are looking to view or manage your faxes however, you will need to log in to the web portal at: https://app.sfaxme.com.
Printing to the Sfax Driver
With the document you want to fax open, you will select the print option and print to the Sfax Driver.
For Windows:
If you are printing a large document, it may take a minute to process. If you are already logged into Sfax, you will see the account you are logged in as, as well as how many files and the total number of pages you are faxing. Click "Continue" to move to the next step.
If you are not already logged in, enter the same Sfax username that you use when logging in to the web portal and click "Continue".
Then enter the same Sfax password that you use when logging in to the web portal and click "Login".
The “Remember me” option will keep your account logged in after you are done using the driver and will automatically log you in whenever you print to the driver again.
The “Help article” button brings you to the "Using Sfax" category in the "Do More" section of the help articles.
Once you are logged in, you will see the account you are logged in as, as well as how many files and the total number of pages you are faxing. If you have multiple documents to send, you may leave this window open and print your next document. When you do, you will see your number of files and pages rise. Otherwise, click "Continue" to move to the next step. If you click the “X” on the top right, you will be asked to save or discard your files.
The buttons on this screen are as follows:
Logout - This button will log you out as the current user noted above and allow you to log in as another account. Your processing files will be held as you change the account you are logged in to.
Continue - This will bring you to the next step: Composing your fax.
Save - This button allows you to save your current batch of files and pages and either add more documents, or close the program and fax later. This option will close the program.
Discard - This button will remove all currently held documents for processing. If you are unsure what files the program is holding to process, or if you mistakenly printed to the Sfax driver, this button will clear these files and close the program.
Home Screen
Once you have clicked “Continue”, you will be brought to the home composition screen. To send your fax, you will be working your way down the top section of the screen (1). The middle bar (2) shows your editing options, and the bottom section (3) shows your documents.
The top right corner shows the account you are currently logged in to. This is important to note, as contacts and available outbound numbers will be determined by the account you are logged in. If this is not the desired account, you can us the "Logout" button in the Settings section (gear icon) in the top left corner. Logging out will take you back to the log in screen
You will first need to select your outgoing number.
The drop down will list the numbers available to your account. If no outgoing number is attached to your account, you will not be able to send your fax.
Recipients and Contacts
Next will be your recipients. Clicking "Select recipients" will open your contact list.
You can enter a fax number in the top line. Selecting "+Add", or pressing Enter will add it to the list of recipients for the fax you are sending.
The box will also auto populate with any contact information that matches the number or text you type in. For instance, if you have a contact named “Home Office”, typing "home" will pull up that contact.
Selecting an option from the “All contacts” dropdown list will open that contact list and allow you to select the contacts you wish to send to.
You can also create a new contact by clicking the "Add contact" button and filling out the desired fields. Fax number and Type are required fields for each contact. Click "Next" to save your new contact.
Cover Page
After adding fax recipients in the top section, you will select an optional cover page.
The default cover pages and any custom cover pages will be available here for you to choose. Enter your subject, reference and any notes you wish to be delivered on the cover page. Remember, never pass protected health information (PHI) through the cover pages.
You always have the option to save or discard your Sfax document. If your Sfax document has an outgoing number and a recipient, you also have the option to send it.
Click "Save" to save your work if you choose to leave and continue later. Clicking "Discard" will display a prompt asking you to confirm that you'd like to delete the Sfax print job and close the program. The original document on your local storage will not be affected.
"Send" will process, upload, and send the documents.
Editing your fax
The edit bar shows the options available for working with the documents you have uploaded.
Up and down arrows will change the pages that you are reviewing below. You can also type the number of the page you wish to view.
The thumbnails option will show all of your pages in a tile view, allowing you to easily remove or rearrange pages you do not wish to send.
You can scale the current image for easier viewing, as well as rotating the pages if they are facing the wrong way.
A black "X" will appear at the top right corner of the document page being viewed.
Click this to remove the page from being processed. The page will grey out to inform you that it will not be sent when you click the “Send” button. You can add the page back in by clicking the circular arrow to restore the page.
The Contacts screen allows you to edit, add, or delete contacts in your account.
Selecting a contact group from the left menu and then a contact from the middle menu allows you to edit that contact. Add or edit any fields in the contact's entry and then click the "Update" button.
You can add a new contact by clicking the "Create Contact" button.
Fax number and Type are required fields for each contact. Click "Next" to save your new contact.
My fax will not send!
If your fax shows that it is processing, but stays on this screen.
You may not have an outbound number selected, or you may not have an outbound line available to you to use.
You or your account administrator will need to assign an outbound number to your account before you will be able to fax out using the Sfax driver.
I am getting a No Internet connection error, but I can browse to any website.
Sfax will use the Internet Explorer settings to communicate with our servers. If Internet Explorer or Safari is using a Proxy, or is locked down by security settings, you may not be able to use the print driver because of these restrictions. Have your local IT contact us if they have any questions regarding this by emailing support@sfax.com.