Sfax Admin: Add Organizations/Sub-Organizations
What do you want to do?
- Add an organization. (See directly below.)
- Add a sub-organization.
Add an Organization
- Log into Sfax at https://app.sfaxme.com.
- On the Sfax page: Click the Settings icon in the left navigation pane under the Sfax header, then select Manage organizations.
Its page appears, displaying (on the left) a list of organizations added to the account―as well as (to the right) the currently selected organization's basic settings―and (if any) its users, fax numbers, and sub-organizations.
NOTE: Unselected organizations highlighted in the paned listing...
...are either suspended or cancelled (or if highlighted in gray, are inactive). If you click the
organization's name, the pane to the right refreshes; and under Basic Settings, the Status
field displays the organization's current condition.
- To add a new organization to the Sfax account: Click the Add Organizations icon (+) to the left of the Settings icon under the Sfax header. The Add organization dialog appears.
- Name - Enter the name of the organization
- Industry - Click the drop-down arrow, and select the organization's related industry.
- Address, City - Enter the organization's street address(es) and city of residence.
- State - Click the drop-down arrow, and select the organization's state of residence.
- Zip code - Enter the organization's zip code.
- Country - Click the drop-down arrow, and select the organization's country of residence.
- Phone - Click the drop-down arrow, select the organization's country code; then enter its phone number.
- Website - Enter the organization's website URL (if any).
- Time zone - Click the drop-down arrow, and select the organization's time zone (based on its location).
- Account # - Enter the organization's Sfax account number. (Optional)
- When done, click the Add button to save the information and exit (or Cancel, to exit without saving).
The page refreshes, showing the name and information of the newly added organization...
...and if you click the Manage organizations button again...
...the page refreshes, showing the new organization in the list of those already added to the account.
Add a Sub-Organization
To add a sub-organization to an organization:
- Follow the instructions in steps 1-2 in the above procedure.
- Then, on the Manage organizations page (shown above): In the listing to the left, select the name of the organization to which you want to add a sub-organization.
(The page refreshes with the selected organization's information.)
- Then―to the right, scroll down and click the Add organization(s) button in the selected organization's Organizations pane. The Add organization dialog appears.
- Follow the same instructions stated in the bulleted list under step 2. of Add an Organization, above. (NOTE: The Industry and Time zone fields auto-populate from the main organization's Add organization dialog [under step 3. of Add an Organization, above].)
- When done, click the Add button to save the information and exit (or Cancel, to exit without saving).
The name of the sub-organization now appears in the main organization's Organizations pane.