How to install Sfax for Mac
The Sfax for Mac Download can be found here.
After downloading and running the sfax-for-mac.pkg file, you may be presented with a macOS dialog asking if you want to open the file. Click Open to continue with the setup.
The introductory dialog for Sfax Virtual Printer Installer will appear. Click Continue to continue with the setup.
The Software License Agreement will appear. Click Continue to continue with the setup
You must agree to the licensing terms to install Sfax Virtual Printer. Click Agree to continue with the setup.
At least one installation destination will appear. Select your desired installation destination, then click Continue to continue with the setup.
If you would like to change the install location, you can click Change Install Location… and select your desired location. Otherwise, click Install to install Sfax Virtual Printer.
Enter your local computer access credentials (User Name and Password) and then click Install Software to allow the installation.
Sfax Virtual Printer will complete the installation process.
A summary dialog will notify you when installation is complete. Click Close to close the installer.
You can verify the installation by browsing to your Print & Scan settings and finding the Sfax printer.
If you have any questions or need assistance please submit a ticket request or contact our support team.